Our Day

Our schedule is listed below so you may see what your child’s day looks like.  We generally stick to our routine but as you know, with children, the schedule needs to be flexible to allow for events, for events, activities, and learning experiences that arise.  When asking your child about their day, it may be helpful to use the schedule as a launching pad for specific questions such as “What story did you read in reading today?”, “What did you have for lunch?”, “What are you learning about in science?”  These types of questions will often direct a child’s attention to particular details rather then asking them a general “What did you do at school today?”  Another way of getting more details is you ask your child their “high and low” for the day.  This information will help you zone in your child’s strengths and difficulties on a day to day basis. 

8:05- School Begins: As students arrive, they go to the playground until the bell rings.  If they are eating breakfast at school- they should go directly to the cafeteria.  During inclement weather we have “red flag” days where students come directly to the classroom.

8:05-8:30- Writing: This time includes journals, making cards, letters, messages to friends, calendars or writing about a specific topic of interest.  At the beginning of the year students will mostly write through the use of pictures and some symbols, but as the year progresses they will incorporate labels, words, sentences, and complete stories and thoughts. Journals will be shared at conferences to demonstrate growth and will be sent home at the end of the year as a keepsake. 

8:30-8:45- Opening Activities: This time incorporates our calendar, weather and schedule for the day.

8:45-9:30- Reading: During this time the students explore literacy concepts such as writing, reading to self and others, print concepts, listening to stories and word work.


9:45-10:20-Literacy: Our literacy time incorporates the use of guided reading techniques where students and I work in small groups and learn various strategies for independent reading, word work where students work on phonetic concepts, handwriting development, and story retelling.

10:20-11:00- Recess/Lunch:During this time the students are supervised by the lunch room staff. 

11:00- 11:30- Quiet time: Students have a time to relax and unwind. Some will sleep and some will not but soft music or a video that relates to our area of study will be shown. 

11:30-12:00- Discovery Time: This is a time of exploration in our room where the students can choose various activities that interest them and have time to interact and practice social skills with their classmates.

12:00- 1:00- Math: During this time, students are introduced to Math concepts from our Kindergarten curriculum.  They are encouraged to explore, ask questions, share ideas and strategies for solving number problems.

1:00-1:35- Special Area Classes: Physical Education, Music, Library, and Computer time.

1:35-2:15- Science/Social Studies: Our themes are listed on the years overview and the monthly newsletter. Please refer to these to be aware of what your child is learning about. We have some wonderful science kits that encourage hands on, active learning using the inquiry method.

2:15-2:30 Snack and Recess

2:30-2:40- Wrap up: We review our day and share family projects and star of the week photos.

© Coates MacBook 2014